Monday, June 23, 2008

A Slow Burn - Chapter Five

Chapter five of A Slow Burn is now posted on Please read, review and let me know what you think. I was aiming for something with this chapter and I hoped I succeeded with it. I hope you like the chapter. Please read it and let me know what you think. Below is a picture of Mark, Rob's best friend - who will become extremely important to Rob and Lauren's relationship in later chapters - and a banner an anonymous reader made for Lauren.



Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! I already wrote a review on AFF before, but I just wanted to write here as well. I'm so happy you found inspiration! The chapter was amazing. It was so much deeper and passionate than the others. Also, I was just reading some of your older stories, and they are SO different than the ones now. Your transformation as an author is astounding. The difference from Wonderwall and The Nicest Thing is crazy! Your writing improves more and more in each story! So anyways, you're amazing. Keep it up!

p.s. I like the stories, but I feel like I'm soon going to fall in love with another imaginery character though. That's not good. I'm going insane :)

Jen said...

Great job on this chapter. I already like Mark. (Who doesn't love Mos Def?) Hopefully the upcoming chapters will have more reactions, from both family and friends, to the "relationship" between Lauren and Rob.

As I was reading, especially the second half of the chapter, I wanted to yell at the characters to just have a conversation. It's great that they both fear what the other will think and that they don't know how to define what they are to each other.

I'm really looking forward to more of this story. I have so many scenarios in my head of what I think could happen...can't wait to see how you progress their story from here on out.

Again, great chapter.


Anonymous said...

oh man, I have been so addicted to your stories, but now, this story is so amazing that I am super addicted to it!!!!!!!!!!! Its different from your other stories, but the difference is good, damn good!! =) Can't wait till the next chap and can't wait to see how Rob will react when Lauren tells him that she might get engage to another man... dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn


Anonymous said...

EHeh it's beginning to be a little bit difficult for this sweet couple ^^ feeligs are coming between them and their first idea of just having a "sexual relation" ...
Can't wait to see how it's gonna be next ...

PS: never thought of creating a forum about your work, isn't there one on AFF?


Anonymous said...

Sorry only got around to reading this chapter now! I really love this story, it's so different from your other ones but i'm hooked already!

I can definetly see the start of their obsession unfolding I just wish they'd talk about their feelings but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon?

Looking forward to see how Mark's character is going to become more improtant, I hope in a good way!!

Loved it update when you can ;)

L x

littlewiseone said...

Awwww. I feel almost bad for them. This chapter reminds me of my last relationship. It was almost more than I wanted to read. I think that's one of the things I love about your stories. Sometimes you just can't turn away even when you know the characters are doing something stupid. Ok so why does this story remind me or me? ? ? My ex and I used sex to replace real communication. Sometimes it was I want to say I love you, sometimes it was I hate you. It didn't matter what we really need to verbalize it seems like sex always was involved. Nothing so passionate as this (he wasn't that good) but sex was our communication band aid. Needless to say the relationship didn't work. Sometime you have to TALK it out. Say what you are feeling. Your words, the way you wrote this chapter, it just took me there.

Great Writing, great chapter!

littlewiseone said...

Oh sorry it took me so long to review. My home computer had not been liking the Internet lately. I think I have a virus, so I had to have a friend e-mail me the chapter at work. I'm telling you, the things I do to get a Templeton Fix!

littlewiseone said...

My computer is working again. I'm ready to review whenever you are ready to update!

Anonymous said...

Hope everythings ok with you! Update when you get the chance! I hope you're taking things easy as well ;)

L x

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate!

You're being missed. I'm glad you're taking a break but don't disappear for too long from your updating your blog because I have a crazy imagination. I care about your well being. I hope you're having an awesome weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hope you're okay, Kate! :]
