Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Girls of The Prettiest Thing

I am working on chapter eleven of The Prettiest Thing and I am really loving it so far. It's going to really be a focus on Ella, Joy and in Seattle, an insight into Lyla and Andy's marriage. We are going to see more of Corey and Monty, this time at their home, and we're going to see how Ella and Joy both deal with the aftermath of their two homecoming incidents. I am really excited to finish this chapter and have it posted for you all to read. Thank you for all of the kind responses this story has been getting. It means more to me than anything. Please remember to review for me after you read. It drives me crazy when I get hundreds of hits and only a handful of reviews. Thank you and be on the lookout for chapter eleven, which hopefully will be posted either today or tomorrow.





Anonymous said...

I'm soooo excited about this story, you have no idea! I just got home from a vacation in which I didn't really have internet access, and I was so happy to see 2 chapters updated I did my happy dance. Both chapters were great and I'm about to review over on AFF, but keep up the good work. I can't wait until Ella and Brett have their breakthrough, I'm really looking forward to seeing them happy together.


Anonymous said...

Its a really cute story. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to it

Alexandra said...
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