Friday, February 13, 2009

When Night is Almost Done - Chap. Three

So, chapter three of When Night is Almost Done is posted on Fictionpress and I would really like it if you read it and let me know what you think of it. I know that my stories have been moving slowly plot-wise lately but I am just trying to sharpen my writing skills and truly great authors do not just jump into the story. They let it build, let it play out and then the action starts and the characters become alive. I hope I am not boring anyone with the speed of my newest stories lately. And I also hope everyone has a spectacular Friday night. I love you all to death.



Anonymous said...

Love the new chapter.I hope you got my email and pics okay.Anyway,like I said in my email,Meester is perfect as Beth Wier,but if I think of a better actress I'll let you know and see what you think.



Naoise said...

Her dress reminds me of one I wore when I was a bridesmaid except mine was just a different colour. It's pretty. I adore this story by the way.

PS Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you had a good one. I'm not sure if you have a boyfriend or if you're married but I hope you had a nice day anyway.

Anonymous said...

This is an intense chapter! I loved it! I can't wait for more!

Anonymous said...

I loved this latest chapter! I am really liking this story more and more and the characters too, especially Arthur :) I cant wait for the next chapter! Thanks and hope you had a good weekend!