Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Better Together - Chap. Three

I am glad some have showed interest and excitement about these two stories being posted once again after a little fine tuning. Chapter three of Better Together is up on Fictionpress if you want to read and review it.

More than Anyone is also going to be seeing some editing and even more fleshing out into a long novel-type story. I am going to add more with Toby and Olivia and Ben and his conflict with his ex-girlfriend, Jillian as well as include an epilogue of sorts with Ben and Olivia getting to know one another in the bedroom since I know many were dying for a love scene between the two.

Also, in case you missed the previous post, chapter three of Soldier Boy is also posted so check that out if you want.

I have noticed that not many people visit this blog anymore, traffic severely down than what it used to be, and I know that I have lost readers along the way so I am thinking about giving the blog a makeover or maybe... abandoning it completely. I am not sure what I am going to do but thank you to everyone who does visit this blog. I put probably almost as much work into it as I do into my stories so it does mean a lot to me. Thank you to everyone who does stick by me through everything. I am certain that if I did not have you, I would not be putting as much time into writing as I do and therefore, I would not be doing something I love to do so much. Thank you for everything.

Jamie and Violet


Anonymous said...

Please dont even think of abandoning thins blog!! Remake it or whatever but please dont abandon us. I read your blog religiously every day and every time I get online. I greatly enjoy reading not only your stories (my favorite in the whole world!) but also your posts, it helps us readers get a tiny insight into you, an amazing author and person!

I havent had a chance to read Soldier Boy yet, but I did read the first chpaters of Better Together, which I didnt read the first time around, and I like it a lot. Although I, really cant wait for when you update Olivia and Ben's story, whom I absolutely love! And Beth and the Chapman's are also becoming a quick favorite, actually preety much all of them are a favorite! Thank you so much!!
- R

PS Also everyone, skow nominees are up, so vote for kate!

Anonymous said...

Please dont give it up all together!!! I check at least twice a day for updates!! I wouldnt know what to do with myself if there were no more updates!

roxy324 said...

Hi kate,

I second the notion that you don't abandon the blog. Aside from the awesome stories I REALLY appreciate the music you suggest. I didn't grow up with rock (like Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc) so when you make suggestions, I look into it and find great music, which I'm eternally grateful for!

Please keep it.

Happy Ash Wednesday :)

Naoise said...

I check this blog of yours everyday. I love the pictures and music you post to accompany your stories.

And yay new chapters!

-scurries off to read-


Anonymous said...

Yeah don't close that blog, That's the first thing I check upon when I wake up, and I try to write commentaries as often as possible, and Normally I always reviews your works here and not on fiction press because I like it here ^^ Love this blog, feels like a few of us are able to write to you and know you will read our words XD

Love th ne new universe you are building in Soldier Boy, Wanna read more ot the 3 'children' journey !!

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH a Ben and Olivia's love scene !!!! I am dreaming, you have made my day, my week, my month , year lol !!! (and no I'm not a crazy fan lol) Can't wait to read that.
I told you so long time ago, I'm translating Better together in french for my pleasure, again do not worry I will never publish it anywhere nor use it, just for my pleasure to read it in another langage, and to improve my english skills with a text I love ^^


Anonymous said...

ARE YOU CRAZY!! LOL!! Don't delete this blog. I always come here. I am having a hard time reading your stories because of school, so I promise you that I will read them when I have time.

Have a bless day!!

~Dove (redrose86)~

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,

I agree with everyone. Do not take away another form of communication we have with you. This blog of yours is another resource or an extension of your stories and I LOVE the music you post on here. When I couldn't review on fictionpress I was able to post my review on here so see your blog is very useful.

By the way you picked an awesome creature for the story "Soldier Boy". You are so creative my friend.

I should be thanking you as well so thank you for giving me a place to look forward to after a hard day at work:)


Anonymous said...

Please don't abondon this blog. Give it a make over if you want, but don't stop posting your thougths and comments here. I come here before checking fictionpress to see if you have updated. It's a bit of insight of how you write and get inspired and is just really interesting to read, well I think so anyway.

So please don't abondon this blog, it would be a shame to loose it.


Paula said...

Oh no, please don't abandon this blog! I check it daily, and I feel it's the best way for me to keep informed and up to date with what you're writing. We get a deeper insight into your characters and ideas through this too.

Also, I always like all the pictures and songs you post, too :]


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with everybody! Please don't delete this blog! I really like coming here after reading every story that's been updated! It gives me an insight about what your thoughts are about it and all of that good stuff!!

I still have yet to catch up on reading Soldier Boy, I think I have to go re-read it because I know I will be lost. And I can't wait to see Hawkin go crazy, he's sexy. Haha


-k said...

I admit that I haven't been checking as regularly as I used to, but that's because I have you on authoralert on fictionpress. But I do still check here frequently for new pictures and videos. I think that it would be a waste of work and time to dismantle this website, and it would be a shame.