Saturday, March 8, 2008


Why is no one reviewing chapter fifteen of The Prettiest Thing? I signed on today and saw that I had received hundreds of hits but only eight reviews, which greatly confused me considering how many reviews I got for the last chapter. Please tell me if something is wrong with the story. Please tell me if you didn't like the chapter or did. I really want feedback. I want opinions and I want people to tell me what they think. Please review chapter fifteen for me if you haven't already. If no one tells me what they don't like, I don't know how to make the story better. Thank you so much for those who have reviewed for me. I appreciate it beyond words. And thank you to Amanda who sent me the pictures below which reminded her of Trevor and Brett.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kate. Don't be upset because when someone hits on the story and than goes to another chapter it counts as 2 hits. So don't freight if you not receiving as many reviews as you like. There is nothing wrong with the story I think it's great and should stay as is.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I didn't review sooner, but I was only just able to read Ch. 15 a few minutes ago. I loved it just as it was. Don't change a thing.

I would have much rather been reading and reviewing the new chapter than the project I was working on...


Anonymous said...

Hi. I've just read both chapters and reviewed after it. I was only able to do it today since life has been kind of hectic!
But I really loved the update! Thanks for it:D

Anonymous said...

the model representing brett is called maxwell zagorski.

abercrombie models are lovely!