Friday, September 26, 2008

The Flower Girl - Part VII

The seventh installment of The Flower Girl is now posted on I know everyone is super busy and really has no time to read anymore but I would appreciate it if you could read it when you have a chance and leave a review for me. It felt as if it took me forever to write this chapter and I hope it turned out alright. Thank you in advance.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,

I miss responding to your posts. I was watching the Presidential debate or else I would be reading/reviewing "Ghetto Gospel" and now I see "The Flower Girl" is also updated. For some reason I just want to give you a hug if I could. Oh, you know what song reminds me of "The Darkness" "Vicarious" by Tool. I'll have to think of a song for Jane and Preston. I hope you're having a good Friday night and weekend. Thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

Darn, my pc has a virus and is not letting me review on fictionpress.
As always, GREAT chapter!!!
i've told you many times before, but this story is really like a movie in my head, well more like a show, and now I cant waaait for the next episode!
Pleeease dont loose your motivation because people are not reviewing, sometimes peoplo are just lazy. They really like the story but cant make themselfs write a few words of incentive, but that doesnt make your work any less valuable. I know your good, I know your story is great, and so do you. So dont let the lack of feedback get you down. You're doing a wonderfull, beatiful work.
And I cant wait for your next update!


Anonymous said...

Love it even more. You always throw something in that is unexpected. I love it. Keep up the great work Kate.