Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sooner or Later

I am still working on updating newly edited chapters of The Prettiest Thing but inspiration struck me today and pulled me down a different route momentarily. Sooner or Later is going to be a one-shot, possibly two chapter story, following Maggie Bennett, Reed Simms' half-sister from Beyond the Grey Sky.

Sooner or Later by Kate
Maggie Bennett is sixteen years old and has always been a tomboy. Playing soccer, hanging out with the boys and constantly getting into trouble, Maggie is completely unprepared when she develops feelings for the new boy at her school, Finn, and convinces herself that she has to become a girly-girl in order for him to like her in return.

It is going to be a sweet, comedic story and I am writing it as I post it. Hopefully, I will have it completed by tomorrow. Let me know if anyone would be interested in reading this. Thank you and I hope everyone had a great weekend.




Anonymous said...

I would love to read this new one-shot. It sounds adorable and fun, which is what I usually like. I can't wait to read the next chapters of The Prettiest Thing as well!!

Jen said...

I think it's great that you are finding inspiration again, even if it is not for your unfinished stories. I look forward to reading just about everything you write. Unfortunately for me, the beginning of the school year is occupied with lesson plans and grading papers instead of reading for fun. Hopefully sometime soon I will catch up on all the chapters you have recently updated.

Anonymous said...

yes of course! i cant wait! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds good - can't wait for this one! Glad that inspiration is coming to you again, in some form. :)


Anonymous said...

I am excited to read it! :)

Anonymous said...

aw i'd definitely be interested in reading this. it'd be a cute story, will reed and cami make cameo appearances in the story?


Anonymous said...

i'm looking foreward to readin this when you finally put it up online.
i also have a song suggestion for you; try For Blue Skies by Stray's Don't Sleep. it's a really pretty song.

Anonymous said...

this sounds like a sweet story
I'll definitaly read it

Anonymous said...

um..if you want some music to listen to try 'the man who can't be moved' by the script. it's a sweet song and you might like it?
