Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Aldridge Family

As I mentioned last night with the Conway family, here are pictures of Justin and Poppy Aldridge and their three children: Wallace, Amelia and Danny. I am working on the third chapter of The Beauty and the Tragedy but things have kind of been crazy here the past couple of days. We had massive storms Monday night and I just got power back last night. I promise to have the third chapter up though within the next day or two. Thank you to everyone who has showed an interest in this story even though I confused the hell out of a lot of you lol. And to those who think they have guessed the secret... you are probably right. I have the best readers who know me far too well. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!







Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thats all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,

Good morning! Thanks for the pictures of the Aldridge and Conway family. Can't wait for the next chapter of "Beauty and the Tragedy".


Anonymous said...

Seriously could they be anymore of a beautiful family?! Can't wait for the next chapter :D

L x

Anonymous said...

I've always loved the Aldridge family, and I gotta say, their all so ridiculously good-looking!

Can't wait for the next chapter of The Beauty and the Tragedy!
