Thursday, December 4, 2008

DSotM - Chapter Two

Dark Side of the Moon, chapter two, is now up and ready to be read on Fictionpress so please head over there and give it a look for me. Let me know what you think. I really am enjoying Meg and Turkish and this idea I had. I am glad I went through with it. Also, I am working on the next part for The Flower Girl so hopefully, that will be up soon as well. Thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

It's just so good! I can't get over it. I love the couple, almost as much as I love Hawkin and Molly. I'm excited for the next installment of The Flower Girl too!

Anonymous said...

I like this couple a lot. I like how we get to see how it all started for Meg and Turkish (which is such an unusual name!) I like them a lot, but not as much as the Flower Girl couples. That has to be one of my favorite stories. It reminds me of the show "Supernatural", which is my obsession right now. Great job witht he chapter, and I'm so glad you're getting a good response to the story!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,

I just wanted to say Turkish is hot! Okay, now that is out of my system I hope you had a good Thursday:) I'm going over to fictionpress to read/review it soon.


Nhi P. Tran said...

Good job.

Anonymous said...

Really like it. I'm so looking forward to seeing where this couple goes next. I really like the slow build to their relatonship, can't wait for the next part!

L x

Anonymous said...


I was listening to City and Colour and the song "Sometimes (I wish)" reminds me of Turkish and Meg. Thanks.
